A Transforming Confidence

A Transforming Confidence

     Luke and I both have learned in our marriage that the more time we spend with God the more changed we become. As we both seek God individually we become more confident in ourselves because we know why we were created. We were created for one purpose, to love God and enjoy him forever.

     I remember the first time my husband came to me upset saying, “I can’t do it!” He was hurting because he thought he would never feel confident in front of people. He stressed over even thinking about approaching another person because he didn’t want to ever make someone feel “awkward.” He thought self-confidence was his greatest weakness but God wanted to transform his mindset. I had a dream a while back right when he first went into training to become a youth pastor after college. I call it “one of my God dreams.”

 I remember it so vividly. I was about a mile away in a field, in the distance I looked across to see a wide-open plain in front of me. A gentle breeze brushed my hair off my shoulders and the grass grazed the bottom of my fingertips. The air filled my lungs and they felt full of the cool air. In the distance I saw a vast army but not an army that we would imagine up in our minds. When I usually think of war I think of fighting, destruction, and pain. Yet, this army was different. It was like a calm before a storm. Quiet and peaceful. There was a confidence that swept all the way across the land into these men’s hearts, this was their armor, the confidence of God. On beautiful white horses these men carried with them noble character that was built from knowing God/spending time with God and this is all they needed to carry with them, no weaponry of any kind. Then I remembered something catching my eye. The commander of this army looked familiar. It felt like someone I new for years and then I realized it was Luke.

 When I woke up I automatically realized why God had put him in this position. It was his character. We often seem to imagine someone who was tough, cold, and fearless in a position of war but instead all God had for a qualification was that you know him deeply. If there is a man in this world that knows God deeply/richly it’s Luke. My husband spends time with God and the proof is his heart. He is patient, kind, and so loving to everyone he meets. I am truly honored to be his wife. I’ve realized through this dream that God-confidence is much more different than human confidence.

 GOD CONFIDENCE: Even though Luke thought that his lack of self-confidence was one of his weaknesses God wanted to transform that. All he asked for in return was that he spent time with him to build his character. When Luke’s heart changed to be more in tuned with God (Still is Happening) his confidence went up. God was with him because Luke was with him, listening and leaning on him for insight.

 HUMAN CONFIDENCE: This is when you lean only on yourself for strength. You don’t lean on God and you choose to try and fix whatever your dealing with on your own. This type of confidence will lead you on a path with a dead end. You will end up weary and lonely.

 We can make it so far without God but eventually you will find yourself in need of a Savior. I can see Luke growing in his confidence tremendously and I am so thankful to God for it. The reason God sent this dream to me was so that I could encourage my husband to seek his Savior and he would find what he was looking for all along. God used me in my marriage with Luke to encourage him and he takes the opportunities to do the same for me. Remember to spend time with your Savior and look for the opportunities to spur your spouse on to seek God with all of your heart soul and mind. They will find what they’re looking for.

Wives Pray For Your Husband

Wives Pray For Your Husband

When my husband and I first started dating we decided to commit ourselves to prayer. Every night before we parted ways for the evening we would meet to pray with one another. To our surprise we received a lot of flack for that. I was approached by my fellow Christian classmates, various staff from our University, and other trusted leaders in our community. I asked myself, “was I really in the wrong?” No. I never will regret those hour long prayer sessions where we pleaded out to God for Him to be the center of our relationship. After all, God must be the foundation for every marriage to work. I realized later on that those people who came to me with their concerns were just looking out for me, they only meant to protect me from opening up a door of vulnerability too early. Prayer should be a priority in every relationship.

As soon as my husband Luke and I got married I realized life can get pretty busy. School, housework, friends, church events, and work. You name it! Life gets so busy at times. I am guilty of this myself. I don’t make prayer  for my husband a priority during those times. I remember googling what things husbands appreciate that their  wives do for them. I expected prayer to be right at the top of the list. It wasn’t! As I went through ten different lists from ten different websites none of them had even listed that husbands love it when their wives pray for them! I was astounded. I thought at least they would have it at the bottom of the list. Nope. These results urged me to never cease praying for my husband or praying with each other even when life gets busy.

List of 10 Things you can pray for your spouse/or with your spouse:

-Maintaining a personal relationship with God

-Being people of integrity

-Help with provision (God handles this not just your husband/wife)

-Protection from anything life throws at you

-To love one another like Christ loves the church

-Courage in the things we fear the most

-For strength to stand against the evil one

-Daily challenges/obstacles you face

-To keep a humble heart in every circumstance

There are many more that can fit on this list but it can help you if you feel stuck or are in a busy season of life. God loves to hear us speaking to him on behalf of our family. he cares and wants us to make Him our foundation of our relationships. “And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” -Colossians 1:17



Life By The Spirit

Prayer has no boundaries unless you give it boundaries.

“Because you are Sons, God sent the Spirit of His Son into our heart, the Spirit who calls out ‘Abba, Father.’ So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir.” -Galatians 4:6-7

Later on in Galatians is says…

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery.” -Galatians 5:1

You have prayer authority through the cross. Satan and all the evil spirits were defeated at the cross. Have you ever realized how little power Satan actually has? Wesley L. Duewel states this very well in his book called Touch The World Through Prayer. It says, “In his inveterate opposition to God and man, Satan is very dependent on the demons. God is omnipresent, while Satan can be in only one place at one time. God is omniscient, while Satan must depend upon information from his demons.” Satan is the father of all lies. Wesley Duewel then goes on to say, “Just as he teaches his demons to lie, no doubt they lie to him, for Satan often seems to act on inaccurate information.” Did you know that Satan doesn’t even love his own? He actually despises and hates them! How sad is that!! But, with all of this to say, Satan and all of his followers were defeated at the cross. At the cross Jesus drove out Satan. He has no authority or power over us. Jesus name alone is more powerful that Satan and all of his followers combined! As Christ’s sons and daughters we can celebrate the freedom he displayed upon the cross. No enemy of God can touch us.

When we live by the Spirit nothing can hold us back from Christ. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires.” -Galatians 5:19-24 Sin in our lives can hold us back. It can decieve us, distract us, and detour us from the truth. It can put a wedge in our relationship with God, it can make us slaves to the enemy. When we live in freedom, without sin the benefits are; love, joy, peace, and etc. When we fall away from God we tend to put Him in the box of misconceptions. The world uses these misconceptions to blind us from the truth about who God is. Some of these misconceptions are: God doesn’t hear me when I talk to Him, I’m too bad of a person so God does not listen to me, He doesn’t care about me so there’s no use wasting time in praying. These are just a few lies society places on God. The world puts Him in a box. What they don’t realize is that he is all-powerful, all-knowing, and yearns for us to have a personal relationship with Him. When we live by the Spirit we realize that God does not fit in a box. Since there is no obstacle between us and God we can without a doubt say there is nothing holding us back from using the freedom God has given us.

Know This: You have prayer authority through the cross. When we live by the Spirit nothing can hold us back from Christ. Knowing this, we can say prayer has no boundaries unless we give it boundaries. We have freedom through Christ so let us use it to touch the throne room of God in prayer.

Dear Abba (Father),

Thank you for paving a way for us to commune with you. Thanks for loving, listening, and answering us in your perfect timing. Let us not put you in a box or let us allow the enemy to distract us from you. May we remember today that there is no boundary between us and you.